Papyri at Bridwell Library


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Links by call number
Papyrus 1 : [Greek New Testament (Romans 1:1-16 only)]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 6th century CE].
Papyrus 2 : [List of property]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 2nd century, CE].
Papyrus 3 :  [Partnership in a lease]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 4th century, CE].
Papyrus 4 :  [Oedipus tyrannus]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 5th century, CE].
Papyrus 5 :  [Illiad]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: Late 4th century, CE].
Papyrus 6 :  [Application concerning a loan]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 216, CE].
Papyrus 7 :  [Letter of reprimand]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: Late 2nd century, CE].
Papyrus 8 :  [Order to a farmer]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 297, CE].
Papyrus 9 :  [Accounts of transport]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 3rd century, CE].
Papyrus 10 :  [Contracts for the deposit of money]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 3rd century, CE].
Papyrus 11 :  [Announcement concerning the practice of a trade]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 128-129, CE].
Papyrus 12 :  [Private correspondence]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 128-129, CE].
Papyrus 15 :  [Unknown]. [Greece?: 100, CE].
Links by date
Papyrus 15 :  [Unknown]. [Greece?: 100, CE].
Papyrus 11 :  [Announcement concerning the practice of a trade]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 128-129, CE].
Papyrus 12 :  [Private correspondence]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 128-129, CE].
Papyrus 2 : [List of property]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 2nd century, CE].
Papyrus 7 :  [Letter of reprimand]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: Late 2nd century, CE].
Papyrus 6 :  [Application concerning a loan]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 216, CE].
Papyrus 10 :  [Contracts for the deposit of money]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 3rd century, CE].
Papyrus 9 :  [Accounts of transport]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 3rd century, CE].
Papyrus 8 :  [Order to a farmer]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 297, CE].
Papyrus 3 :  [Partnership in a lease]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 4th century, CE].
Papyrus 5 :  [Illiad]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: Late 4th century, CE].
Papyrus 4 :  [Oedipus tyrannus]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 5th century, CE].
Papyrus 1 : [Greek New Testament (Romans 1:1-16 only)]. [Oxyrhynchus, Egypt: 6th century CE].
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Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
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