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Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Table Information for CLASS_MTG_PAT:

Table: CLASS_MTG_PAT - Class Meeting Pattern Table
Short Description: Class meeting days, times, and facility ID

Long Description: Building, room number, start and end times, start and end dates, and meeting days. A class section may have multiple meeting patterns and the dates may vary. For example, a class might have a 1 week trip, which should have it's own meeting pattern in addition to the classroom meetings.

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
CRSE_IDCourse ID number
CRSE_OFFER_NBRCourse Offer Number
SESSION_CODESession Code, within a term
CLASS_MTG_NBRClass Meeting Pattern Number. Different for when a class section has multiple meeting patterns.
MEETING_TIME_STARTStart time of a class meeting
MEETING_TIME_ENDEnd time of a class meeting
MONClass meets on Monday (Y or N)
TUESClass meets on Tuesday (Y or N)
WEDClass meets on Wednesday (Y or N)
THURSClass meets on Thursday (Y or N)
FRIClass meets on Friday (Y or N)
SATClass meets on Saturday (Y or N)
SUNClass meets on Sunday (Y or N)
START_DTClass meeting start date
END_DTEnd Date of class meeting
STND_MTG_PATMeeting Pattern abbreviation

Criteria Notes:
Typically join from CLASS_TBL.
Join to FACILITY_TBL to get the building code and room number
It is better to use the day fields (MON, TUES, etc.) then to rely on the STND_MTG_PAT code (MWF, TR, etc.)


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.