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Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Table Information for INSTR_ADVISOR:

Table: INSTR_ADVISOR - Instructor/Advisor table
Short Description: Setup table for instructors and advisors

Long Description: An ID number must first be on this setup table to become eligible to be attached to a class (instr) or a student (adv).

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
EMPLIDStudent/Person ID number
EFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EFF_STATUSActive or inactive as of effective date
ACAD_ORGCode for Academic Organization, or Department, used in Acad Org tree.
INSTR_TYPEInstructor Type

Criteria Notes:
Field ADVISOR is a flag to denote advisor, since an instructor can also be an advisor.
ACAD_ORG is the school that entered the setup
INSTR_TYPE is selected by the admin who entered the setup and is not the official designation of an instructor, which is maintained in Employee.SMU (Manage Faculty Events, records that begin with EG).
INSTR_TYPE values are ADJ (adjunct), TA/GTA (teaching assist), TAA (admin aid, enters grades on behalf of instructor), and VIST (visiting). The remaining values are for instructors/professors.


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.