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Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Field Information for ACAD_CAREER:


Relevant Tables:
TableField NameField Descr
ACAD_CALTRM_TBLACAD_CAREERAcademic Career of the calendar setup for a term
ACAD_DEGRACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ACAD_DEGR_PLANACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ACAD_PLANACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ACAD_PLAN_TBLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the plan.
ACAD_PROGACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ACAD_PROG_TBLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the program
ACAD_STDNG_ACTNACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ACAD_SUBPLANACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ADM_INTERESTSACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ADM_MC_VWACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
CLASS_TBLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the class.
CRSE_OFFERACAD_CAREERAcademic Career of the course.
ENRL_REQ_DETAILACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
GRADE_ROSTERACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ITEM_LINE_SFACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
STDNT_ADVR_HISTACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
STDNT_AWARDSACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
STDNT_AWRD_DISBACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
STDNT_CAR_TERMACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
STDNT_CAREERACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
STDNT_ENRLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
TERM_TBLACAD_CAREERAcademic Career of the calendar setup for a term
TRNS_CRSE_DTLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
TRNS_CRSE_SCHACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
TRNS_TEST_DTLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
U_SR_CARTERM_VWACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
U_SR_CEN_CLASSACAD_CAREERAcademic Career of the class.
U_SR_CEN_PROGACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
U_SR_CENSUS_CLSACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
U_SR_CENSUS_TRMACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
U_SR_HONORS_TBLACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
U_SR_TRN_CRS_VWACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.

For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.