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Table Information for ACAD_PLAN_TBL:

Table: ACAD_PLAN_TBL - Academic Plan Table
Short Description: Setup table for Acad Plan codes

Long Description: Contains setup data on Academic Plan, or majors, minors, etc. ACAD_PLAN is connected to Academic Program or Academic Career. Acad Plans belong to Acad Programs, and Acad Prog belong to Acad Groups. Use this table to see the descriptions for Acad Plans. Plans shared acorss programs are attached to ACAD_CARER. For example, minors.

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
ACAD_PLANCode for Academic Plan, or Major/Minor
EFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EFF_STATUSActive or inactive as of effective date
DESCRAcademic Plan description
DESCRSHORTAcademic Plan short description
DIPLOMA_DESCRHow the plan appears if printed to a diploma
TRNSCR_DESCRHow the plans appears if printed to a transcript
ACAD_PLAN_TYPECategory for Academic Plan (major, minor, etc.)
ACAD_PROGCode for Academic Program
ACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the plan.
DEGREECode for the Degree
CIP_CODECIP Code (Federal Gov't assigned category)
STUDY_FIELDField of Study for Academic Plan (set to Department/Division/Center)

Criteria Notes:
Join to this table from ACAD_PLAN for the Plan description, and degree code.
A plan can be attached to an ACAD_PROG or ACAD_CAREER. For example, undergraduate minors are attached to career UG. A student can be in any program to declare a minor, and must be in ACAD_CAREER of UG.


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.