Query Power Users

Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Field Information for EFFDT:

Field: EFFDT
Field Name: EFFDT

Relevant Tables:
TableField NameField Descr
ACAD_GROUP_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_ORG_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_PLANEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_PLAN_OWNEREFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_PLAN_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_PROGEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_PROG_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_STDNG_ACTNEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_SUBPLANEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ACAD_SUBPLN_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ADDRESSESEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ADM_INTERESTSEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ADM_MC_VWEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
BLDG_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
CRSE_ATTR_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
CRSE_ATTR_VALUEEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
CRSE_ATTRIBUTESEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
CRSE_CATALOGEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
CRSE_OFFEREFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
DEGR_HONORS_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
DEGREE_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EXT_ORG_SCHL_VWEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EXT_ORG_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EXT_ORG_TBL_ADMEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EXT_SUBJECT_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
FACILITY_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
INSTR_ADVISOREFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ISIR_CONTROLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ISIR_PARENTEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ISIR_STUDENTEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ITEM_TYPE_FAEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
ITEM_TYPE_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
PROG_ACTION_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
PROG_RSN_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
REL_PREF_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
RELATIONSHIPSEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SCC_NAMES_QVWEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SCC_PER_EFF_QVWEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SCC_VISA_P_QVWEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SERVICE_IMPACTEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SRVC_IMPACT_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SRVC_IN_RSN_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
SRVC_IND_CD_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
STDNT_ADVR_HISTEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
STDNT_GROUP_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
STDNT_GRPS_HISTEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
STUDY_FIELD_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
U_SA_AUTH_AREAEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
U_SR_ACADPG_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
U_SR_HONORS_TBLEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
XLATTABLE_VWEFFDTDate the data or action takes effect

For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.