Query Power Users

Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Field Information for CLASS_NBR:

Field Name: CLASS_NBR

Relevant Tables:
TableField NameField Descr
CLASS_TBLCLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
ENRL_REQ_DETAILCLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
GRADE_ROSTERCLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
GRADE_RSTR_TYPECLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
STDNT_ENRLCLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
U_SR_CEN_CLASSCLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
U_SR_CENSUS_CLSCLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.

For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.