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Data Dictionary Keyword Search

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Table Information for ENRL_REQ_DETAIL:

Table: ENRL_REQ_DETAIL - Enrollment Request Detail Line
Short Description: Log of ALL enrollment requests

Long Description: Each enrollment request, success or failed, is logged here. Includes grade changes, not the initial grade posted, which comes from GRADE_ROSTER

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
ENRL_REQUEST_IDEnrollment Request ID, can have multiple requests (sequences)
ENRL_REQ_DETL_SEQSequence Number of an enrollment request (one request ID can have multiple requests)
EMPLIDStudent/Person ID number
ACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
CLASS_NBRClass Number, a unique value within each term for a class section.
ENRL_REQ_ACTIONEnrollment Request Action
ENRL_ACTION_REASONEnrollment Request Action Reason
CLASS_NBR_CHG_TOFor a swap enrollment request, this represents into which class section a student swapped
ENRL_REQ_DETL_STATResulting status of an enrollment request ID/sequence
OPRIDID of administrative user who performed this action
DTTM_STAMP_SECDate/Time stamp of enrollment request

Criteria Notes:
If joining to CLASS_TBL then join by STRM and CLASS_NBR
If joining to STDNT_ENRL then join by EMPLID, STRM, and CLASS_NBR
Set field ENRL_REQ_DETL_STAT in ('M','S') to pull successful requests
OPRID field is the user who performed the action. If it equals EMPLID then the student did so via self-service
Fields that begin with OVRD will show if an admin user employed an override to complete the request.
Field ENRL_REQ_ACTION will denote if a add, drop or swap. Or grade change.
Field CLASS_NBR_CHG_TO will have the class number for the "swap to" class section.
Field DTTM_STAMP_SEC shows the date/time of request.


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.