Query Power Users

Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Table Information for RELATIONSHIPS:

Table: RELATIONSHIPS - Relationships
Short Description: Relationships defined between two people

Long Description: Parents, guardians, and family members of students.

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
EMPLIDStudent/Person ID number
EFFDTDate the data or action takes effect
EFF_STATUSActive or inactive as of effective date
PEOPLE_RELATIONRelationship of the relation to the EMPLID
EMPLID_RELATEDID number of the relation

Criteria Notes:
Do not pull contact and bio demo data from this record, use it only to identity relations.
Every relationship is reciprocal. A row of data where EMPLID is the student and EMPLID_RELATED is the father will have a second row of data from EMPLID the father and EMPLID_RELATED is the student.
For contact and bio demo data join to U_CC_PDATA_TBL, and SCC query views.


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.