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Table Information for U_AD_SLATE_DATA:

Table: U_AD_SLATE_DATA - SLATE Data Dump Table
Short Description: Application and admissions data from the undergratdaute instance of Slate

Long Description: Data is updated daily from Slate, which is a supplement to native PeopleSoft tables in my.SMU which is consider the system of record for applicants, with Slate being the operational home for Admissions.

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
EMPLIDStudent/Person ID number
ADM_APPL_NBRPeopleSoft admission's application number
PROG_ACTIONAdmission action from Slate (will not show martriculation)
PROG_REASONAction reason from Slate
ACTION_DATEAction date from Slate
RECRUITER_NAMEName of the Admission recruiter
MAJOR_NAMEPrimary academic interest (the code is EXT_SUBJECT)
MAJOR_NAME_2NDSecondary academic interest (the code is EXT_SUBJECT)
U_AD_SAT_SR_VSuperscore for SATR, includes any self-reported scores
U_AD_SAT_VSuperscore for SATR, excludes any self-reported scores
U_AD_ACT_SR_VSuperscore for ACT, includes any self-reported scores
U_AD_ACT_VSuperscore for ACT, excludes any self-reported scores
HS_GRAD_DTHigh school graduation date
CONVERT_GPAHigh School GPA, recalcualted by admissions
RATING_CMP_VALUE5Admission rating
RATING_VALUEScholarship Rating

Criteria Notes:
Always begin with ADM_MC_VW, and then join to U_AD_SLATE_DATA by EMPLID and ADM_APPL_NBR.
Matriculation actions do appear in Slate, and thus not on U_AD_SLATE_DATA.
Slate for undergraduates began in 2014. When pulling history, then outerjoin from ADM_MC_VW to U_AD_SLATE_DATA.
Join to EXT_SUBJECT_TBL for descriptions of Academic Interest. Effective dated Academic Interests are on ADM_INTERESTS.


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.