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Data Dictionary Keyword Search

This Data Dictionary contains student related Access.SMU database tables commonly used in the query tool. In the keyword search below you may enter the table name, field name, or the common name for the information you are seeking.
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Table Information for ITEM_LINE_SF:

Table: ITEM_LINE_SF - Item Line
Short Description: Charges and Payments

Long Description: Journal line entries for all charges and payments for a student, by term and account type.

Useful Fields:
Field NameField Descr
EMPLIDStudent/Person ID number
COMMON_IDMatches the value found in EMPLID
ITEM_NBRReference number for a line item
ACCOUNT_NBRAccount Number differentiates between tuition/fees, misc, and payment plan accounts
ACCOUNT_TERMTerm to which the financial transactions are attached.
POSTED_DATEPost date for line item transaction
REF1_DESCRReference, or note, field
LINE_AMTAmount of a line item transaction
ACAD_CAREERCode for Academic Career. Value attached to the student.
ITEM_TERMTerm of the line item transaction
POSTED_DATETIMEDate/Time stamp for posted action
OPRIDID of administrative user who performed this action
DESCRLine Item (charge of payment) description
ITEM_TYPE_CDItem Type Code, a transaction category (charge, financial aid, etc.)

Criteria Notes:
ACCOUNT_NBR = 'STUDENT001' has tuition, fees, housing, and meal plan charges. Also called the zero account (ACCOUNT_TYPE_SF).
ACCOUNT_NBR = 'MISC001' has charges for parking, library services, bookstore, and a few administrative fees. Also called the 9 account (ACCOUNT_TYPE_SF)
ACCOUNT_NBR = 'PMTPLAN001' is for moving balances to this account and managing payments under a payment plan
Fields COMMON_ID and EMPLID are the same, the student ID number


For updates, corrections or questions Email Stephen Forrest.